Saturday, August 20, 2011

10 random things about me and jaan

1. we haven't actually met yet.....but we are planning to meet 1st week of september which is like just couple of weeks from now, and thats giving me the jitters BIG TIME

2. we are living like 8,500 miles away from each other....he is in New Jersey while I am in this small place in Asia..

3. we are hoping that the distance be reduced to 1,960 by end of August, which means one of us would be doing a big leap...and that would be me.....the main reason being work

4. he is a software engineer, while i am a manager; i used to manage a restaurant and i also had a chance to manage the biggest, hippest bar in One Happy Island

5. because of the time difference that we have right now, we are both losing sleep because we want to spend time even when each is at work, or even if its like 1 in the morning in one's place

6. we love creating "movies," we would write out scenes of what we would be doing assuming we are together...and these movies we plan to act out into realities when we finally meet

7. we have a song and its "i just wanna spend my life with you,".....this song is soooo beautiful that i wondered how in the world i didnt know about it til he sent the link to me

8. aside from "movies" we also create poetry, that poetry game that i posted, that was actually a collaboration between us, but mostly it was his words, and i did the re-arranging

9. jaan actually means my life in hindi, and thats what we call each other most of the time....that is when we are not calling each other all those names that i enumerated in one of my blogs....well there you go, he is indian, born and raised in India but is now living in NJ but plans to eventually go back to his home town

10. we profess our love for each other all the time, and most of the time we are like "is this for real?" or "how can two people who haven't even met yet actually fall in love?".....i know its kinda hard to believe, but its true, we do love each other, i know that from all the efforts that we are putting into this relationship....yeah, we do love each other

.......and we are happy, and we intend to stay that way, if not happier = ))

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